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Atlanta, United States
I am a Theoretical Chemical Engineering Consultant and creative multidimensional scientist and artist.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Charlie Interviews Einstein in the Astral...

Thank you for putting up with Charlie the other day during the "interview." I hope he and I didn't inconvenience you too much, as I know you have lots more important (Earth-saving) work to do up there in spacetime. Still, we are grateful for your answers. (I'm referring to your supportive nod of approval to our theoretical discussion.)

Now, for the physics blog-lovers of Earth:

We've all seen "BloggingHeads.tv" interviews -- in which two scientists or otherwise like-minded intellectuals come together in dialog (or "diavlog") to discuss thought-provoking ideas. Well, today (all you lovely 'Gothamites'...) we have "VloggingLips" visiting our blogscape! And in this juicy diavlog, Charlie McNickel (high school physics leader) interviews Dr. Carol Blaney, Guru of Light (me, ha ha).

Albert -- In this discussion, Charlie had the nerve to ask me to contact you directly (er, in the Astral Plane, that is...), and I refused. Such acts are strictly private affairs, wouldn't you agree, Mr. Einstein? Still, useful information was gleaned. For example: What happens to your Rolex when you approach the speed of light? Nothing, unless you are back on earth watching the Rolex, in which case it has obviously not lived up to its name in watches. OK, time to watch the DIAVLOG:

By the way, Albert, dear... I've got a lovely and melodic blog planned for next week -- and it's dedicated to you!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tell Charlie to be nice and let you travel in his rocket with him.